Close up of a small bubbling hot spring on the eastern coastline of Tana volcano, one of the surprise finds of the season. Thermocouple temperatures of up to 98C were measured.  Photo taken during the 2014 field season of the Islands of Four Mountains multidisciplinary project, work funded by the National Science Foundation, the USGS/AVO, and the Keck Geology Consortium.

Close up of a small bubbling hot spring on the eastern coastline of Tana volcano, one of the surprise finds of the season. Thermocouple temperatures of up to 98C were measured. Photo taken during the 2014 field season of the Islands of Four Mountains multidisciplinary project, work funded by the National Science Foundation, the USGS/AVO, and the Keck Geology Consortium.

Date: Aug 7th, 2014
Volcano(es): Tanax̂ Angunax̂
Photographer: Fulton, Anne
Image courtesy of the photographer.
Please cite the photographer when using this image. Photo taken during the 2014 field season of the Islands of Four Mountains multidisciplinary project, work funded by the National Science Foundation, the USGS/AVO, and the Keck Geology Consortium.
Full Resolution.