View to the east along the south coastline of Chuginadak Island from seismic station CLES.  In the distance is Tana volcano.  The bay is called South Cove which served as a good harbor under some wind and wave conditions. Photographs from fieldwork in the Islands of Four Mountains, July and August 2014.

View to the east along the south coastline of Chuginadak Island from seismic station CLES. In the distance is Tana volcano. The bay is called South Cove which served as a good harbor under some wind and wave conditions. Photographs from fieldwork in the Islands of Four Mountains, July and August 2014.

Date: Aug 7th, 2014
Volcano(es): Cleveland Tanax̂ Angunax̂
Photographer: Lyons, John
Image courtesy of AVO/USGS.
Please cite the photographer and the Alaska Volcano Observatory / U.S. Geological Survey when using this image.
Full Resolution.