Seismic station CLCO, at Concord Point, Chuginadak Island, Islands of Four Mountains, Aleutian Islands.  The south flank of little-studied Tana Volcano rises in the background.  This remote, solar-powered seismic station also hosts the Cleveland Volcano web-camera and an array of infrasound sensors.

Seismic station CLCO, at Concord Point, Chuginadak Island, Islands of Four Mountains, Aleutian Islands. The south flank of little-studied Tana Volcano rises in the background. This remote, solar-powered seismic station also hosts the Cleveland Volcano web-camera and an array of infrasound sensors.

Date: Jul 19th, 2018
Volcano(es): Tanax̂ Angunax̂
Photographer: Kaufman, Max

Latitude: 52.786465

Longitude: -169.72269

Image courtesy of the AVO/UAF-GI.
Please cite the photographer and the Alaska Volcano Observatory / University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute when using this image.
Full Resolution.